Do you believe Baton Rouge has a race problem, and if so what 2 steps would you take as mayor in your first year to address it?
I do believe have Baton Rouge has a race problem, but only due to the fact that America as a whole has a race problem. We as leaders need to address it. At the end of the day, there’s nothing we aren’t able to do in terms of getting laws passed. Like Martin Luther King said, the law cannot make a man love me, but it can keep him from lynching me. We need zero tolerance laws and policies regarding racial discrimination. It’s taken a disaster for this community to come together. It would be sad if that’s the only thing that brings us together. We need to continue to fight for equality, fight for justice and fight for zero tolerance policies on racism.
East Baton Rouge Parish and its residents were severely impacted by the August floods. What specific ideas do you have to rebuild our community and strengthen its people?
It’s going to take financial support, so one of the first things is to go to the Metro Council and use the undedicated funds in the budget so that we have enough capital to assist in a feasible or tangible rebuilding effort, such as opening new shelters and rebuilding homes. We need to put progressive policies in place so we’re being productive on drainage and sewage issues. We need to put in safeguards to soften the blow of any future natural disaster.
In order for you to consider your first term as mayor a success, what is the No. 1 thing you hope to have accomplished?
Justice and law enforcement reform. Some type of compromise that will satisfy both officers and the community. We need funding in the police department for pay raises for police offers and a full psychiatrist, because sometimes in high stress jobs our subconscious takes over. You say goodbye to your family and you don’t know if you’re coming back. Police need the technology and the resources to protect the community by any means necessary.