Do you believe Baton Rouge has a race problem, and if so what 2 steps would you take as mayor in your first year to address it?
I think we have a contrived race problem, but in the classic sense, no, I don’t. There are a lot of things that need to be done in north Baton Rouge concerning blight and cleaning up and helping the people who live up there. There are so many boarded up buildings and that’s where the crime element congregates. First thing is to address that problem. North Baton Rouge has been completely overlooked for years. Overall the large majority of Baton Rouge, black and white, is a lot more tolerant than we give them credit for.
East Baton Rouge Parish and its residents were severely impacted by the August floods. What specific ideas do you have to rebuild our community and strengthen its people?
It’s still in process, but I tell you one thing, we need to divert money from something like a downtown tram to what we really need, like drainage. That had a lot to do with the flooding. The Comite Diversion Canal, which we’ve been talking about for over 30 years, it’s not an end-all solution, but it can help.
After 30 years of a talking about it, all you have is the outfall built. I’m not interested in excuses. I’m sure that diversion canal can be built and we need somebody in the mayor’s office constantly doing something about it and keeping it in the forefront.