
Locally owned jewelry stores

From birthday bling to Father’s Day watches, there’s always an occasion for jewelry shopping. Baton Rouge is home to family-owned jewelry shops like Jack Hood Jewelers and nationally recognized stores like Lee Michaels. Shop for high-end engagement, fashion and custom jewelry at these shops around town.

10675 Coursey Blvd.
Anton’s Fine Jewelry
Go bold or simple at this family-owned jewelry shop. It sells customized engagement rings, Rolex watches and other fine jewelry. Fall in love with amethyst, turquoise, rose quartz, diamond and sapphire accessories enclosed in a maze of shiny glass display cases. antonsfinejewelry.com

7565 Jefferson Highway
Barker’s Antique Jewelry
Feel like royalty in stunning antique pieces. Since 1970, the shop has sold jewelry from the Victorian, Art Nouveau, Edwardian and Art Deco periods. The one-of-a-kind engagement rings, regal earrings, intricately designed bracelets and striking accessories look like antique treasures from a history museum. barkersjewelry.com

9844 Jefferson Highway, #101
Cut Fine Jewelers
Browse high-end pieces in this modern jewelry shop. From rose gold pendant necklaces to decorative pocket knives to custom engagement rings, Cut Fine Jewelers has something for everyone. cutfj.com

9564 Florida Blvd., #B
K&G Custom Jewelry & Expert
Let your jewelry do the talking with accessories from this shop near the Hi Nabor Supermarket. It specializes in bold, statement pieces and custom jewelry like artistic engagement rings and high-fashion stackable bands. kgjewelers.com

7560 Corporate Blvd.
Lee Michaels Fine Jewelry
This Baton Rouge based shop is a crown jewel. The family-owned company sells everything from engraved money clips to designer jewelry. Since first opening in 1978, the fine jewelry store has expanded and has stores in Texas, Mississippi and New Mexico. lmfj.com


On Bluebonnet Boulevard

Hannon Jewelers | 8430 Bluebonnet Blvd. | hannonjewelers.com

Mignon Faget | 6401 Bluebonnet Blvd., #1164 | mignonfaget.com

Mr. Goldman and Sons | 6401 Bluebonnet Blvd., #2036 | mrgoldmanla.com

On Corporate Boulevard

Alder’s Town Center | 7445 Corporate Blvd., #520 | adlersjewelry.com

Boudreaux’s Jewelers | 7280 Corporate Blvd. | boudreauxsjewelers.com

On Coursey Boulevard

The Gilded Lily | 11943 Coursey Blvd., Ste. A | thegildedlily.biz

Pattons Fine Jewelry | 11740 Coursey Blvd. | pattonsjewelry.com

Ricky’s Creative Jewelry | 11831 Coursey Blvd., A | rickyscreativejewelry.net

Tony’s Jewelry Design | 14241 Coursey  Blvd., A1-A | tonysjewelrydesign.com

On Jefferson Highway

Diamond Distributors | 8210 Jefferson Highway | diamonddistributorsbr.net

Jules Madere Creative Jewelers | 7637 Jefferson Highway | julesmadere.com

Robert Roth Jewelers Inc | 7513 Jefferson Highway | robertrothjewelers.com

Sabai Jewelry Gallery | 711 Jefferson Highway, #9 | Find it on Facebook

Saunders Lux Jewelry | 7809 Jefferson Highway, B5 | saunders-lux.com

In Mid City

Son’s Watch &Jewelry Repair | 4401 Government St. | Find it on Facebook

Silver Sun Baton Rouge Jewelry Store | 654 Lobdell Ave. | thesilversun.com

Around town

Diamandel Diamonds | 4531 Durham Place, D | diamandel.com

Elgin’s Fine Jewelry | 10330 Airline Highway, B12 | elginsfj.com

Gold and Silver of Louisiana | 2561 Citiplace Court, Ste. 375 | Find it on Facebook

Hollywood Jewelry Mfr Inc | 5455 Plank Road | hollywoodjewelers.com

Jack Hood Jewelers Inc | 9265 Florida Blvd. | jackhoodjewelers.com

Le Jewelers | 6725 Siegen Lane | Find it on Facebook

Odyssey Jewelers Inc | 14769 Old Hammond Highway | Find it on Facebook

O’Halloran Jewelers | 4343 S. Sherwood Forest Blvd. | ohalloranjewelers.com

Vicki Anton’s Jewelry | 12728 Perkins Road | Find it on Facebook

Click here to read our ultimate guide to shopping in Baton Rouge.

This article was originally published in the September 2019 issue of 225 Magazine.


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