
On Trend: Just the basics

I regularly lose my mind as I prepare for work most mornings. I stand in front of the closet for an extended period of time, staring, hoping some sort of divine intervention will guide me to an outfit. When that fails, I open dresser drawer after dresser drawer, at least twice, thinking something will catch my eye. Nothing happens. All this ends in me dramatically flinging myself on the bed and/or throwing shirts around the room while declaring, “I hate all my clothes,” then getting distracted by whatever sitcom I put on in the background while I dress.

All of this fuss would most likely be nonexistent if I could come to terms with paring down my wardrobe to the essentials. Especially since lately I’ve been settling on some variation of the classic T-shirt and jeans combination. I have inadvertently assigned myself a uniform, and I’d do a lot better to just own it.

Finding the perfect uniform can be tricky. It has to be something that works for you and your daily life. My job involves sitting at a desk all day, so comfort is pretty high on the priority list. While I still need to be presentable (no sweatpants-level comfort here), I rarely interact with the public during business hours, so “business fancy” isn’t necessary. I prefer unfussy garments, and tend to be fidgety—like a small child forced to sit through an extended church service—when wearing one. So really, T-shirts and jeans are the best bet. Plus, I have an always expanding collection of graphic tees that need to get a lot of wear before I am too old for them, which will hopefully be never.

There’s a fine line when committing to a uniform, though—you don’t want to look like you’re just stuck in a rut and have given up on trying (which could in reality be true, no judgement). Finding staples that fit well and that you love are key. Like those ankle boots above? There’s really nothing special about them. But without even thinking about it, I’ve worn them practically every day since their purchase, including walking 22 miles around New York City. I have zero complaints. They do their job perfectly. And that’s all I’m looking for every morning as I gaze into the closet abyss.

Enough about me though—what is your go-to uniform?