
You are what you blink! Sponsored by Trio Eyecare

Did you know that the average American blinks 75% less than normal? Sad, but true. We are all looking at a screen most of the day—like right now. Breaks are vital during prolonged screen time and the 20-20-20 rule should be implemented regularly: Take a break every 20 minutes to look 20 feet away or further for 20 seconds.

Ever heard of blink exercises? Try this to improve your blink rate.

  • Close-Pause-Pause-Open-Relax. Without squeezing, gently close your eyes. Pause and keep your eyes closed for two seconds. Gently open your eyes and relax them.
  • Close-Pause-Pause-Squeeze-Open-Relax. Without squeezing, gently close your eyes. Pause and keep your eyes closed for two  seconds.

And don’t forget to stay hydrated throughout the day.

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