Next to the twinkling lights of the Botanic Gardens, the Independence Park Garden Center hosts a regular meeting of the Baton Rouge Cactus and Succulent Society. A mixture of new hobbyists, longtime growers and devoted greenhouse owners, the group meets monthly to learn about a species of cactus or succulent, show off what’s growing strong at home and raffle off plants to members still building their collections.

The group has been around since 1994. Some members, like society president Cecil Bankston, fell in love with these resilient little plants while living in the desert climates of California and the Southwest. Others simply love the “architectural forms” of cacti and succulents or sparked an interest as part of a lifelong love of gardening. For each of them, growing cacti and succulents brings positive vibes into their homes, something we all need on gloomy winter days.
But what about the office? Having another living being to keep you company in your office or cubicle can help ward off seasonal affective melancholy, and succulents make some of the best indoor plants. We asked the Cactus and Succulent Society for a beginner’s guide to growing succulents in your workspace, and these were their suggestions. Each plant is available for $8 or less at Louisiana Nursery.