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“For 107 years and spanning many generations, ExxonMobil has provided quality jobs and revenue,” says ExxonMobil Baton Rouge Public Affairs Manager Stephanie Cargile. “Many have family members and friends who work here, but they may not realize the impact our facilities have.”
The Refinery and Chemical Plant are the two largest manufacturing employers in Louisiana. ExxonMobil directly employs 6,800 employees and contractors and has a payroll of $491 million. The ripple effect expands the number of jobs provided to parish residents to almost 27,000, or one in every eight jobs. Statewide, jobs increase to 35,000+, or more than the total employment in 49 of the state’s 64 parishes.
Over the past three years, ExxonMobil Baton Rouge has averaged $1 billion in capital investments. Through ongoing projects to conserve area water resources, improve air quality or increase safety, the company supports the service industry with 4,500 direct construction jobs.
“Imagine you are dropping a large rock into a pond,” says Cargile. “The ripples that follow extend in circles far and wide to engineering firms, to restaurants feeding workers and to construction companies.”
Annually, ExxonMobil pays $100 million in state and local sales taxes after rebates and credits. It also paid over $33.2 million in property tax—about 7.8 percent of all property taxes collected in EBR Parish.
“We continue to support a strong economy,” emphasizes Cargile, “so from a community perspective, we invest in educational and workforce programs to prepare residents for tomorrow’s job opportunities.” In 2015, the company provided more than $18 million through contributions, matching grant programs and funding for nonprofits and schools.
Each year, hundreds of employees, retirees, and their families devote their energy volunteering more than 40,000 hours to educational and community programs in the area.
“Our employees showcase the face of ExxonMobil each day. Their innovation literally helps to fuel our modern lifestyle, our community, and our economy,” says Cargile.