You can’t judge a book by its cover—you also can’t judge a library by its books alone. As a trusted center of the community, the East Baton Rouge Parish Library creates immersive experiences, and provides resources that benefit people and organizations in our city.
Through humanities and arts programming, people are encouraged to think and discuss ethics and values, history, art, poetry, and other cultures. Programs like these help to illuminate the experiences, beliefs and values that unite us as human beings. They help make connections—between the community and the individual.
Libraries are many things to their communities. They offer the practical information people need about health, education, business, child care, computers, the environment, looking for a job… and much more. Librarians are resource experts. Like human Googles, they navigate a vast network of resources to find what you need. Patrons draw from the unique and diverse backgrounds of librarians who provide all sorts of programs.
No library can present programs on every topic of interest on their own. That’s where the collaboration comes in. Our East Baton Rouge Parish Library partners with other community organizations to give Baton Rouge residents opportunities to connect through all sorts of interests. Science, history, visual and performing arts, as well as celebrations of culture and simple family fun. When a group like the Master Gardners meet at the library, not only do you benefit from the expert speakers, you’ll also find books, videos, and digital resources for all ages.
There are so many ways to plug in with the Library’s ongoing programming, classes, clubs, career training and more. The Library provides a collaborative workspace that gives people the opportunity to connect with others and attend workshops provided by professional and volunteer trainers. Visit for a full list of events and opportunities to learn and collaborate.