These luscious beads that gals are fainting over (available at Eros) are even more powerful than they look. Elizabeth Irvine, internationally-recognized author (Healthy Mother, Healthy Child) and health and wellness educator, first thought of making her own beads solely for spiritual purposes. But while wearing a sandalwood prayer mala she received upon completing her education in the practice of yoga, people would ask her where they could get one of their own.
Author and jewelry designer Elizabeth Irvine.Author and jewelry designer Elizabeth Irvine.
“It’s funny because I never really thought of the beads as necklaces,” she writes on her blog. “I created [them] more as a talisman: something tangible to bring me comfort and keep me grounded while simultaneously connecting me to my higher self throughout the day.”
Now, Irvine has six part-time employees who help bring her vision to life. And coming to life is exactly what Irvine intended with her work. She believes in the positive energy that these gemstones hold. According to Irvine, each of the stones vibe off the wearer in a unique way, while the number of beads in each piece also holds a strong spiritual significance by totaling a number that is divisible by 9. For instance, the basic design of her serenity beads is 108 hand-knotted beads on a silk cord, and her bracelets hold 27 beads. Belief in the power of divisions of 9 is found in many cultures all around the world. Studying this, it became an important number for Irvine as well.
It is hard to put a value on these beads. They are all handmade with the highest quality gems and materials selected by Irvine and imported from across the globe. The jewelry is assembled in Houston, where Irvine takes special care with each creation. What unifies the collection is Irvine’s careful treatment of the materials. They are bathed in salt water and soaked in the sun to enhance their natural brilliance.

Irvine believes in the importance of letting one’s intuition select the bead rather than focusing on the significance of each of the different types of stones. When the energy from the stone speaks to your intuition, she believes, that is the bead that will benefit you the most. Love, balance, creativity, energy, and peace are some of the many feelings each of the stones uniquely embodies, as they are mini-geodes from the earth and vibrate to their own frequencies.

Irvine’s passion for her designs is truly inspiring. It was so interesting to speak with her on the phone and hear all about her motivation and the amount of intuition involved in her work. I can’t wait to sport my own Elizabeth Irvine design and vibe off the energy of my gemstone.
A special thanks to Allie and Sarah, the Irvine twins whom so gratefully support their mom and her work, and to Mrs. Irvine for her gorgeous jewelry.