With the stay-at-home order now extended until May 15, we know it’s a little trickier to find your print copy of 225 right now.
You can likely get your hands on our May issue at local grocery store racks, as well as packaged with to-go orders at select restaurants and retailers. But we’re also making it available digitally for free, so anyone can safely read 225 at home.
This month’s cover story is all about the local restaurant industry’s fight for survival. It’s been eerie to see dining rooms empty this spring. But back of the house, kitchens are still glowing. Small crews keep cooking, keep serving.
The Baton Rouge dining scene has really hit its stride the past few years, making us all proud to live here. But it has never made us prouder than it has over the past few weeks. Restaurants spread love when we needed it most. Now, as they face reopening later this month in such uncertain economic times, let’s all do our part to show them that love back.
Enjoy our May issue! And don’t forget—we publish new stories in our twice weekly e-newsletter, 225 Dine. Subscribe for free here. We’re also welcoming your news tips and questions at editor@225batonrouge.com.