
Check out our directory of spots to enjoy outdoor dining in Baton Rouge

On restaurant patios this summer, outdoor fans worked overtime. They buzzed madly in an attempt to cool patrons on the season’s hottest days. Now, as fall gives way to winter, local restaurants are pulling out heaters and dreaming up hearty dishes to keep customers warm on chilly nights.

Because whether temperatures rise or fall, many diners still want to eat outside, say the owners of local restaurants like Bistro Byronz and Los Reyes. Thanks to the CDC’s COVID-19 safety guidelines encouraging restaurant owners to prioritize outside seating, Baton Rouge is one of many cities that has seen a massive increase in outdoor dining options.

Restaurants have added bistro tables on sidewalks, planted chairs in gravel parking lots, and invested in dining-hall-sized tents. Many eateries have upped the ambiance with colorful umbrellas, string lights, custom murals and other amenities.

For our December 2020 cover story, the 225 team put together a directory of as many restaurants in the Baton Rouge area we could find that are providing outdoor seating options.

Read on for more, and let us know which ones we’re missing by emailing us at [email protected].