7477 Burbank Drive / theoasisbr.com
Our Mom’s Restaurant & Bar
250 W. Lee Drive / ourmomsrestaurant.com
Playa Bowls
660B Arlington Creek Centre St. / playabowls.com
Rita’s Italian Ice & Frozen Custard
1082 W. Lee Drive / ritasice.com
Rotolo’s Craft + Crust
411 Ben Hur Road, Suite D / rotolos.com
Smalls Sliders
4343 Nicholson Drive / smallssliders.com
Superior Grill
7333 Highland Road / batonrouge.superiorgrill.com
Umami Japanese Bistro
3930 Burbank Drive / umamibr.com
4250 Burbank Drive / yogurt-land.com
Walk-On’s Sports Bistreaux
3838 Burbank Drive / walk-ons.com

2805 Kalurah St. / bldg5.com
3613 Perkins Road / burgersmith.com
3109 Perkins Road / bumsteersbr.com
CC’s Coffee House
4161 Perkins Road / ccscoffee.com
Chow Yum Phat
2363 Hollydale Ave. / chowyumphat.com
Coffee Call
Coffee Call
3132 College Drive / Find it on Facebook
DiGiulio Brothers
2903 Perkins Road / digiuliobros.com
Frankie’s Dawg House
2318 Cedardale Drive / frankiesdawghouse.com
The Green House Salad Co.
3617 Perkins Road / greenhousesaladco.com
The Jambalaya Shoppe
3617 Perkins Road, Suite 1E / thejambalayashoppe.com
Kalurah Street Grill
2857 Kalurah St. / kalurahstreetgrill.com
La Divina Italian Cafe
3535 Perkins Road / ladivinaitaliancafe.com
Magpie Cafe
3205 Perkins Road / magpiebrla.com
Mary Lee Donuts
12640 Perkins Road / maryleedonuts.com
The Overpass Merchant
2904 Perkins Road / theoverpassmerchant.com
Parrain’s Seafood Restaurant
3225 Perkins Road / parrains.com
Red Zeppelin Pizza
4395 Perkins Road / redzeppelinpizza.com
Rock N Roll Sushi
3627 Perkins Road, Building 2 / rocknrollsushi.com
3043 Perkins Road / rocknsake.com
Ruby Slipper Cafe
3535 Perkins Road / therubyslippercafe.net
Southfin Southern Poke
4321 Perkins Road / southfinpoke.com
Thai Kitchen
Thai Kitchen
4550 Concord Ave. / thaikitchenla.com
Vegan Friendly Foods
4608 Bennington Ave. / veganffoods.com
Zeeland Street
2031 Perkins Road / zeelandstreet.com
Zippy’s Burritos Tacos & More
3155 Perkins Road / zippysburritos.com
Albasha Greek & Lebanese
2561 Citiplace Court / albashabr.com
Beausoleil Coastal Cuisine
7731 Jefferson Highway / beausoleilcoastal.com
Brew-Bacher’s Grill
3554 Drusilla Lane / brewbachersgrill.com
Cafe Americain Restaurant and Catering
7521 Jefferson Highway / cafeamericainrest.com
City Pork Brasserie & Bar
7327 Jefferson Highway / citypork.com
7633 Jefferson Highway / Find it on Facebook
District Donuts Sliders Brew
7415 Corporate Blvd., Suite 900 / districtdonuts.com
Drusilla Seafood Restaurant
3482 Drusilla Lane, Suite D / drusillaplace.com
Eliza Restaurant
7970 Jefferson Highway, Suite J / elizabatonrouge.com
Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar
7321 Corporate Blvd. / flemingssteakhouse.com
Gourmet Girls
1660 Lobdell Ave., Suite 100 / gourmetgirlsbr.com
LIT Pizza
7474 Corporate Blvd., Suite 101 / lit.pizza
New York Bagel Co.
8210 Jefferson Highway / Find it on Facebook
Palermo Ristorante
7809 Jefferson Highway / palermobr.com
Portobello’s Grill
7622 Old Hammond Highway / portobellos.net
Serop’s Cafe
7474 Corporate Blvd. / seropscafe.com
Walk-On’s Sports Bistreaux
7425 Corporate Blvd., Suite 810 / walk-ons.com
The Velvet Cactus
7655 Old Hammond Highway / thevelvetcactus.com
VooDoo BBQ & Grill
3510 Drusilla Lane / voodoobbq.com
Los Reyes’ outdoor patio off Coursey Boulevard
Albasha Greek & Lebanese Restaurant
4520 Sherwood Forest Blvd., Suite 102 / albashabr.com
Bistro Italia
11903 Coursey Blvd. / Find it on Facebook
Boil & Roux
11777 Coursey Blvd. / Find it on Facebook
BRQ Seafood & Barbeque
10423 Jefferson Highway / brqrestaurant.com
The Chimes
10870 Coursey Blvd. / thechimes.com
The Legacy
1655 Sherwood Forest Blvd. / thelegacybr.com
Little Saigon Vietnamese
11224 Florida Blvd. / 273-2445
Pho Cafe
3851 S. Sherwood Forest Blvd. / Find it on Facebook
El Rancho Mexican Restaurant
10820 Florida Blvd. / elranchomexicangrills.com
Los Reyes
11333 Coursey Blvd. / losreyesbr.com
El Rio Grande Mexican Restaurant
8334 Airline Highway / Find it on Facebook
Roman’s Greek & Lebanese Restaurant
9634 Airline Highway / Find it on Facebook
Viet Garden
11990 Florida Blvd. / vietgardenbr.com
Willie’s Restaurant
11260 Coursey Blvd. / williesbr.com
The Blue Rose Cafe & Bakery
11950 Cloverland Ave., Suite A / thebluerosebr.com
18303 Perkins Road E., Building 1, Suite 100 / burgersmith.com
French Market Bistro
16645 Highland Road / frenchmarketbistro.com
Jabby’s Pizza
18303 Old Perkins E., Suite 116 / jabbyspizza.com
Just Wingin It
18181 Jefferson Highway, Suite 106 / justwinginitla.com
Las Palmas Mexican Restaurant
18340 Highland Road / 756-7878
The Little Village
14241 Airline Highway / littlevillagebr.com
Mason’s Grill
13556 Jefferson Highway / masonsgrill.com
Pimanyoli’s Sidewalk Cafe & Catering
14241 Airline Highway, Suite 105 / pimanyolisbbq.com
Wildwood Pizza
9659 Antioch Road, Suite 105 / wildwood-pizza.com
Ahuuas Mexican Restaurant
4733 Jones Creek Road / Find it on Facebook
Boba Partea
2515 O’neal Lane, Suite 9 / bobapartea.combobapartea.com
15321 George O’Neal Road / georgesbr.com
Jasmines on the Bayou
6010 Jones Creek Road / jasminesonthebayou.com
Jones Creek Cafe
15005 Market St. / jonescreekcafe.com
JoVi’s Tacos
13214 Coursey Blvd., Suite A / jovistacos.com
Portobello’s Grill
15440 George O’Neal Road / laportobellos.net
Rotolo’s Pizzeria
2985 Millerville Road, Suite B / rotolos.com
The Smokey Pit
Mary Lee Donuts
9833 Florida Blvd. / maryleedonuts.com
Memphis Mac BBQ
2785 Larkspur Ave. / memphismac.com
The Smokey Pit
1916 Dallas Drive / thesmokeypit.com
Rotolo’s Pizzeria
3857 LA Hwy. 1 South, Suite A, Port Allen / rotolos.com
Walk-On’s Sports Bistreaux
437 Oak Plaza Blvd., Brusly / walk-ons.com
Ruffins II
14522 Plank Road / Find it on Facebook
Cafe Phoenicia
5647 Main St., Suite A / cafephoenicia.com
Caliente Mexican Craving
14455 Wax Road, Suite F / calientemexicancraving.com
Central City Steak & Seafood
9550 Hooper Road / Find it on Facebook
Las Palmas
14790 Wax Road / 261-0700
14455 Wax Road, Suite A / nagoyasushihouse.com
Stab’s Steak and Seafood
13438 Magnolia Square Circle / stabscentral.com
LIT Pizza
Cafe Phoenicia
14319 Wax Road / cafephoenicia.com
Cajun Catch
4317 High St. / Find it on Facebook
El Agave Zachary
5647 Main St., Suite F / Find it on Facebook
LIT Pizza
1189 Americana Blvd., Unit 2110 / lit.pizza
Papi’s Fajita Factory
5810 Main St., Suite 5 / Find it on Facebook
Walk-On’s Sports Bistreaux
1100 Americana Blvd. / walk-ons.com
Hebert’s Cajun Meats
9360 Florida Blvd., Suite E / hebertscajunmeats.com
Rotolo’s Pizzeria – Walker
29050 Walker South Road / rotolos.com
Duke’s Seafood
Casa Maria
33939 LA-16 / casamariabr.com
Duke’s Seafood and Steakhouse
33920 LA-16 / dukesseafoodandsteakhouse.com
The Seafood Shac
51662 LA-16 / Find it on Facebook
Don’s Seafood
136 Rushing Road, Suite E / donsseafoodonline.com
Duke’s Seafood and Steakhouse
2591 Range Ave. / dukesseafoodandsteakhouse.com
The Jambalaya Shoppe
7755 Magnolia Beach Road, Suite E / thejambalayashoppe.com
Locals Bar and Kitchen
7755 Magnolia Beach Road, Suite A / Find it on Facebook
Maria’s Mexican & American
587 Florida Ave. SE / mariasmex.com
121 Bass Pro Blvd., Suite F / p-beaus.com
Randazzo’s Italian Market
240 Capitol St. / randazzositalianmarket.com
Sarita’s Grill & Cantina
151 Bass Pro Blvd., Suite A / saritasgrill.com
Smokin Aces BBQ
141 Aspen Square, Suite B / smokinaces.com
Zea Rotisserie & Bar
27186 Crossing Circle / zearestaurants.com
Agave Blue
Agave Blue
17097 Airline Highway / agavebluela.com
Mi Padres
37460 Ultima Plaza Blvd., Suite G / 673-6434
Nooley’s Poboys, Wings & Curley Cues
17134 LA-44 / nooleys.com
Rotolo’s Pizzeria
17530 Airline Hwy., Suite C / rotolos.com
Brew-Bacher’s Grill
909 E. Ascension St. / brewbachersgrill.com
Casa Maria
1210 N. Airline Highway, Suite 1 / casamariabr.com
Don’s Seafood
2405 W. Cabela’s Parkway / donsseafoodonline.com
217 N. Airline Highway / ichibanbr.com
The Jambalaya Shoppe
1542 N. Airline Highway / thejambalayashoppe.com
Walk-On’s Sports Bistreaux
14569 Airline Highway / walk-ons.com
The Francis Southern Table & Bar
6747 Highway 61 / thefrancissoutherntable.com
This article was originally published in the December 2020 issue of 225 Magazine.