More than one Baton Rouge chef has told me in interviews that their favorite kitchen tool is the rubber spatula, which recently got me thinking about the allure of this simple, unassuming little tool. It seems so ordinary, could it really be that important to people who chef for a living? But yes. Once you start working with one (or several) of these things, it’s hard to imagine cooking without them—hence the name of this blog.
A rubber spatula, or scraper, as it’s sometimes called, is different from the spatulas you use to flip fried eggs and pancakes. Instead, it functions more like a spoon or a spreader, but you’ll use it way more than you think. Chefs love it because it allows you to scrape every last ounce of a substance from a mixing bowl or vessel, ensuring you don’t waste anything. Honestly, there really is nothing better for getting every last ounce of brownie mix from the bowl and into the pan. And rubber spatulas come in lots of different widths, allowing you to stir and mix, spread things evenly and, of course, scrape.
Tips on buying: Look for products that last. The big complaint with some rubber or silicon spatulas is that they’re flimsy and fall apart, so check out reviews. Once you find a brand you’re comfortable with, it’s nice to have a small variety of spatulas, including small and medium-sized ones that serve primarily as scrapers, and large ones with spoon-like scoops that help with stirring. It’s also nice to have a thin one to help with spreading icing.
Be sure to wash by hand if the handle is wooden.
Maggie Heyn Richardson is a regular 225 contributor. Reach her at