
The 2024 Best of 225 Awards issue is on stands now

With 183,766 votes cast earlier this spring, the results of the 2024 Best of 225 Awards are finally in. We unveiled 225‘s July issue last Thursday, June 27, at a magazine release party at The Queen Baton Rouge. The print edition should arrive at most of our newsstands around town today, but until you grab a copy, you can flip through the digital issue below.

Write-in nominations and voting for the awards were open to all Capital Region residents earlier this year at 225batonrouge.com.

While some winners claimed their titles in landslides, other categories demonstrate why we preach that every. vote. counts. There were several close races this year—and even one exact tie. 

Browse the winners, archives and our FAQ at 225batonrouge.com/bestof225.

To all of this year’s winners and runners up, congrats! Be sure to download our free promotional graphics to spread the word about your award.

Also in this month’s edition, we have stories on the challenges of running a restaurant; manicure trends; local shops and events worth geeking out over; and much more. Flip through it all below, and be sure to pick up the print copy on newsstands now around the Capital Region. Let us know what you think at [email protected].