
225 Magazine takes home 12 awards for journalism and design

This article has been updated to include the final results of the awards competitions. 

225 Magazine recently placed in several national and regional award competitions for writing, photography and design.

225 received two national awards from Society for Features Journalism’s Excellence-in-Features competition. It claimed four Green Eyeshade Awards, a regional journalism competition in the Southeast judged by the Society of Professional Journalists. It also took home five Diamond Journalism Awards, a regional contest sponsored by the Society of Professional Journalists’ Arkansas Pro Chapter.

Here’s a peek at the winning stories, all published in 2023. Congrats to all of 225‘s journalists, photographers and graphic designers!

2023 covers by Melinda Gonzalez and Collin Richie

Cover Design – First Place

Diamond Awards – SPJ Arkansas Pro Chapter

Judge’s comment: I’m a sucker for excellent photography, even over the best drawing, and you can see how meticulous 225 Magazine staff were in thinking about this cover design and how to execute it.


The transfer portal puzzle” by Mark Clements

Sports – First Place

Diamond Awards – SPJ Arkansas Pro Chapter

Judge’s comment: The transfer portal isn’t supposed to be this interesting to explain. Yet Mark Clements and his editor, Jennifer Tormo, make it so while simultaneously drilling down on LSU’s adept use of that portal. The narrative is seeded with well-designed, easy-to-digest sidebars and split into sections that make this long read fly by. Obviously, LSU football fanatics will eat this up, but the casual Saturday viewer will learn a lot, too.

Sports Reporting – Second Place

Green Eyeshade Awards

Photo by Jordan Hefler.

Restaurant reviews by Benjamin Leger

Criticism/Reviews – First Place

Diamond Awards – SPJ Arkansas Pro Chapter

Judge’s comment: Benjamin Leger clearly understands food and the dining experience, from taco stands to far more formal restaurants. His reviews are both informative and descriptive enough to help you imagine what the dishes taste and smell like.

Food Criticism – Third Place

Society for Features Journalism

Judge’s comment: Vivid descriptions; I felt like I could see and taste everything the writer experienced, and I liked the savvy sense of place and what the restaurant is trying to achieve experientially.

Photo by Collin Richie.

Keep calm and game-day on” cover story designed by Melinda Gonzalez

Graphics / Magazines – Second Place

Green Eyeshade Awards

Graphics – Second Place

Diamond Awards – SPJ Arkansas Pro Chapter

Breakfast time” cover

Best Cover / Magazines – Second Place

Green Eyeshade Awards

Food photography by Collin Richie

Feature Photography – Second Place

Green Eyeshade Awards


Seafood lover’s guide” by Collin Richie

Photo Spread/Essay – Second Place

Diamond Awards – SPJ Arkansas Pro Chapter

In the weeds” by Maggie Heyn Richardson

Enterprise/In-Depth Reporting – Second Place

Diamond Awards – SPJ Arkansas Pro Chapter

Takes the (tea) cake” by Maggie Heyn Richardson

Food Feature – Third Place

Society for Features Journalism

Judge’s comment: Light, breezy read about a culinary tradition. Makes you want to head out and try them. Good use of quotes with just the right touch of “expert” opinion.

Photo by Collin Richie.