
225’s brand-new Twenty in their 20s issue is on stands now around Baton Rouge

Let’s link up with the Red Stick’s rising leaders. Introducing 225 Magazine’s first-ever Twenty in their 20s issue, a special edition celebrating young people doing amazing things.

Earlier this year, our editorial staff examined nearly 200 nominations submitted by readers on 225batonrouge.com. The honorees we selected not only have stacked resumes, they are trailblazers—committed to championing our city and changing it for the better.

They are entrepreneurs, executives and civic leaders. They are national champions, award winners and record breakers. They are mentors and mentees. Some are students; some are new parents. No matter where they are in their careers or their lives, they have big goals before turning 30. They hail from all corners of the Capital Region, and each has found something different to love about living here. Meet them in our May edition.

Also in this month’s issue, we are looking at LSU Baseball tailgating traditions; how Livvy Dunne is carving her legacy through a new fund; a free music series in Scotlandville and so much more.

Flip through it all below, and be sure to pick up the print copy on newsstands now around the Capital Region. Let us know what you think at [email protected].