Chances, an independent film by Baton Rouge director Scott Sullivan, will screen Aug. 19 at Celebrity Theatres.
While Sullivan developed the concept, he says he partnered with East Baton Rouge District Attorney Hillar Moore to make it happen. The film will be part of a curriculum Moore’s office will roll out later, possibly early next year, Sullivan says.
Daily Report called Moore’s office but did not hear back by publication deadline.
“With mounting pressures to avenge a rival gang’s blatant disrespect competing with his inner journey, Kevin navigates treacherous dilemmas and faces life altering choices to fight a battle on the outside that he discovers can only be won within,” the film’s description states.
The screening is the only one currently scheduled, Sullivan says, though more are possible depending on interest and Moore’s plans. While the film wrapped last year, before Hollywood’s actors and writers went on strike, it is an example of the sort of independent film that can be made regardless of what Hollywood is doing, he says.
“As an independent filmmaker, I’m always in a territory that’s outside the system,” Sullivan says. “As a community, we need to nurture our homegrown artists and businesses.”
This story originally appeared in an Aug. 4 issue of Daily Report. To keep up with Baton Rouge business and politics, subscribe to the free Daily Report e-newsletter here.