The classic tale of Dorothy’s adventures in Oz is coming to Baton Rouge in the form of New Venture Theatre’s The Wiz Jr., debuting this Friday at the LSU Shaver Theatre.
The production is based on the 1978 film The Wiz, which itself is based on The Wizard of Oz. The Wiz put a unique spin on the classic story, with soulful R&B-inspired musical numbers performed by a cast of powerhouses like Diana Ross, Michael Jackson and Quincy Jones.
New Venture Theatre’s The Wiz Jr. puts yet another spin on the tale, with a cast of more than 40 local youth actors between the ages of 7 and 17 taking on the musical’s iconic roles. Read 225’s article on The Wiz Jr. here.
The theater company will only put on four shows over the course of three days starting Friday, June 22, so act fast to secure your tickets. The LSU Shaver Theatre is in LSU’s Music & Dramatic Arts Building. For more specific information on showtimes, visit New Venture Theatre’s website.