
Does sciatica go away on its own? sponsored by The Spine Center

Up to 40 percent of adults suffer at least one episode of sciatica in their lifetime. Sciatica is an inflammation and irritation of the sciatic nerve, the largest nerve in your body. It exits the spinal column near the base and splits into two parts, with each branch running down a leg. You usually feel sciatica in only one leg, but sometimes the nerve is so inflamed that both branches are affected.

Sciatica is usually caused by a ruptured or herniated disc pressing against the lumbar nerve roots. Other conditions may mimic sciatica, which is why it’s important to get a clinical diagnosis before starting any kind of treatment.

Stay active with sciatica. Although the pain and numbness in your leg may make you want to rest or even take to your bed, that won’t improve your symptoms. In fact, too much rest could make sciatica worse. Read the full article to learn more about sciatica.