
Get Well: Baton Rouge Orthopaedic Clinic

If you experience an injury, remember this: P.E.A.C.E. and L.O.V.E.

Protection: unload or restrict movements.
Elevation: elevate the limb (above the heart) to promote fluid flow out of the tissue.
Avoid: anti-inflammatories as these may impair tissue regeneration.
Compression: tape and/or strap to reduce swelling.
Education: educate about active recovery.

Load: an active movement and exercise approach (with little or no pain).
Optimism: the brain plays a key role in rehabilitation.
Vascularisation: cardio workouts boost motivation and increase blood flow.
Exercise: reduces the risk of re-injury.

Please join us at our grand opening celebration for our new space at our Bluebonnet location on January 12 from 5 to 7 p.m.

8080 Bluebonnet Blvd., Suite 110
Baton Rouge, LA 70810
225.924.2424 | brortho.com

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