
Choosing the perfect trees for a thriving Baton Rouge yard, sponsored by Bayou Tree Service

As planting season rolls around in Baton Rouge, it’s the perfect time for homeowners to pick out the right tree for their yard. They should start by evaluating their space, sunlight, and soil to find what fits best. For a classic Southern touch, they might consider the Southern Live Oak or the Southern Magnolia. Live Oaks provide fantastic shade and a timeless look, while Magnolias offer beautiful, fragrant blooms and glossy leaves. For added privacy, hollies such as the American Holly or Eagleston Holly make excellent choices. These evergreens serve as great green screens and keep the yard looking lush all year round. Planting in the cooler months helps roots establish before the summer heat arrives. With the right choices and assistance from Bayou Tree Service, any yard can thrive and look gorgeous in no time.