
Expert tree care: Bayou Tree Service’s Healthcare Program, sponsored by Bayou Tree Service

Trees play a vital role in our landscapes, patio areas, and urban settings. Being proactive with maintenance is a great start to keeping these trees in tip-top shape. And consulting with an arborist is the easiest way to determine what your trees will need. A tree healthcare program should involve much more than indiscriminately applying fertilizer to your tree.

Initially, an arborist from Bayou Tree will come out to perform a thorough ground inspection of the tree. Once a tree enters the Bayou Tree Service Healthcare Program, data will be collected on your tree—diameter at breast height, compaction test, and other crucial bits of information.

Lastly, a technician will visit the tree three times per year to apply nutrient solution and beneficial microbes to the soil. Each application is tailored to the time of year and the tree’s needs. Simultaneously during each visit, the technician will re-check the overall health of the tree, specifically checking for termites, diseases, and other potentially detrimental insects.