
Healthy habits start today, sponsored by Baton Rouge Clinic

The ultimate goal for every parent is for their kids to be healthy and happy, so it’s important to create healthy habits for eating and exercise as children grow. Instead of using words like “thin, skinny, fat, or big,” frame the conversation around things that are “healthy” or “unhealthy” for our bodies, like good nutrition and staying active.

Involve your kids by having them choose new fruits and vegetables at the store to try, or by having them help in the kitchen. When they have a say in what goes on their plate, it’s much more likely that they’ll be excited about it. Stay active by involving them in sports or by doing something as simple as going for a walk or riding bikes as a family after dinner.

Talk to your pediatrician about other healthy habits for your kids and teens at their annual visit, and start living a healthier lifestyle as a family today.