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2023 has arrived faster than a sleigh full of toys pulled by a team of magical reindeer! And you know what that means—it’s time to start thinking about those New Year’s resolutions.
For most people, the list starts off with the best of intentions … lose weight, eat healthy, exercise more. Unfortunately, about 75 percent of people who make New Year’s resolutions end up abandoning them by February. So how do we stick to the plan?
At LSU’s Pennington Biomedical Research Center, some of the world’s foremost researchers and scientists are constantly uncovering ways to create a healthier Louisiana and motivate individuals to make—and maintain—important lifestyle changes. This includes research in laboratories and in real-life settings and clinical trials. Pennington Biomedical then translates the discoveries made in the lab to health programs and community events involving an array of health experts, such as researchers, nutritionists, physicians and beyond. Who better than the Pennington Biomedical team to offer advice for those who want to start off the New Year right?
Be sure to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, and lean meats such as turkey and chicken. Go easy on the red meat and limit your intake of carbohydrates (bread, rice, pasta). Cut down on the sugar in your diet and if you drink alcohol, do it in moderation. Pennington Biomedical has a metabolic kitchen where dietitians have created hundreds of delicious and healthy recipes!
Exercise is extremely important and should be part of your daily regimen. Not only does exercise burn calories and help you stay fit, but it also improves sleep and elevates your mood. To stay motivated, make sure to choose an exercise you enjoy (biking, walking, dancing to music) and try to recruit a buddy to work out with you.
If you really want to make a difference in your health (and contribute to the health of others), consider one of the many clinical trials offered at Pennington Biomedical. Participants are needed for short-term and long-term trials that focus on dozens of topics—weight loss, intermittent fasting, pregnancy, menopause, physical activity (some by race and gender), memory studies, and more. Many clinical trials pay participants as well. Visit www.pbrc.edu/clinicaltrials.
Pennington Biomedical offers a variety of events and health programs for adults and children, as well as free information on diet and exercise. From its 222-acre state-of-the- art facility, the Pennington Biomedical team is unlocking the keys to understanding obesity, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, dementia, and a host of other chronic medical conditions. Visit pbrc.edu for more information. And enjoy a healthy 2023!