
Top Dogs of 225: Buckey & Cody

“Buckey and Cody are not only beautiful, but they are loving and loyal fur babies who love cuddles and treats. Both are sweet and love to give kisses, but Cody has an extra dose of energy.” — Haleigh Reynolds

Owner: Danielle Brecheen

Breed: French Bulldogs

Age: Buckey – 3; Cody – 1.5

In just one word: Buckey – Loveable; Cody – Playful

Why he’s special: (Buckey) Buckey is a sweet and loveable lap dog. (Cody) He is the fastest and strongest Frenchie I have ever seen. His nickname is “Moose.” They are both great companions and love me unconditionally.

How we met: I had been wanting to get a French bulldog, so I got Buckey from a breeder in the New Orleans area. Cody came through the friend of a friend who moved into a new place where the owner wouldn’t allow dogs. I think he was originally an Alabama dog, but I’ve turned him into an LSU fan. Ha ha!

Unique skill set: Both boys are perfect companions at home, at the beach or camping. They are wonderfully affectionate and for the most part, are really well behaved.

Pooch passion: (Buckey) His obsession is getting the best lap spot before Cody. He also has great ears and hears a lot before I do, so he is like a built-in safety feature. (Cody) His ob- session is stalking birds and squirrels outside by the bird feeders.

Favorite getaway: Both of them love the beach, but if they can’t go there with me, they like the Y-Farms Kennel in Zachary.

Favorite reward: As long as they don’t try to climb on me at the dinner table, they know they will get a taste of what I am eating. Next best thing would be a bacon-flavored treat.

See more Top Dogs of 225.