
Top Dogs of 225: Buster & Clyde

“Are you jogging those dogs, or are those dogs jogging you?” — Sharon Ogra, neighbor

Owners: Stan & Kim Levy

Breed: Buster — Golden Doodle; Clyde — Australian Labradoodle

Age: Buster — 2.5; Clyde — 1.5

In just one word: Buster – Affectionate; Clyde – Hyper

Why they’re special: (Buster) He is comforting and protective. He understands every word you say and is highly intelligent. (Clyde) He is full of energy and constantly wants to give big hugs and kisses. He’s always looking for his next adventure. Together, they entertain our family.

How we met: Even before we had kids, we had two dogs, Sampson and Champ, who lived to be almost 20 and were part of our family. After they both passed away, we got Buster as a surprise for our children. As fun as he was, we knew right away he needed a playmate … so we surprised our kids with Clyde as a Christmas present. We pretended to take them to see the Christmas lights out of town, but we actually went to pick him up from the breeder. The kids fell in love with him immediately.

Unique skill set: They both think they are humans. When we return home from being gone, even if we were away for just 15 minutes, it’s as though we have been gone for weeks. When we walk in the door, they attack us (in a good way) jumping into our arms and giving us big licks to show us how much they missed us.

Pooch passion: They love to peek out the window and get their picture taken by the Amazon delivery person.

Favorite getaway: Digging in the sand at the beach is their number one favorite getaway.

See more Top Dogs of 225.