
Top Dogs of 225: Maxi

“Maxi and my dog, Rosie, enjoy play dates in Maxi’s back yard. They first met walking in our neighborhood and became instant friends. We often see Maxi sitting on a chair in the window. He never meets a stranger and always greets us with lots of tail wagging, hugs and kisses.” — Brandi Faulk, friend and neighbor

Owner: Petrie Family

Breed: Micro Golden Doodle

Age: 5 in October

In just one word: Affectionate

Why he’s special: Maxi was chosen by Santa especially for our daughter Peyton and for our family to provide all the love and snuggles that only a puppy can give. His most important role is to be a loyal companion and protector of our family.

How we met: Peyton found Maxi on Christmas morning 2018 at the back door in a green box with a big bow. It was the sweetest surprise and love at first sight for them both. Maxi never left her side that day and their bond has only gotten stronger.

Unique skill set: Maxi is loving and attentive, and constantly greets us with hugs and kisses. But his quirkiest “skill” would be a game he plays each morning with a squirrel in our back yard. Maxi has a love-hate relationship with it. He and his brother, Moose, will crouch by the back door and wait for the squirrel to walk out on the fence, then take off to try to catch him. Maxi also loves to jump from the ledge into our pool to swim with Peyton—it’s almost as if he tries to rescue her.

Pooch passion: At dinner, he sits in a chair at the table with us and rests his chin on the table to watch us eat. His puppy dog eyes are almost irresist- ible. He also has a favorite spot on a chair by a big window in our living room where he sits for hours and barks at passersby … especially other dogs.

Favorite getaway: Maxi loves to go anywhere if it means riding in the car. His favorite outing is a trip with Moose to the dog park at CCL or to dog- gie daycare and grooming at Fur Krewe. He is also crazy for a walk around the neighborhood. When we get out their leashes, Maxi and Moose start jumping and running in circles by the back door.

Favorite reward: His absolute favorite reward is Beggin’ for Bacon treats—he will do almost anything for them. He gets excited if he even hears the word bacon. He also loves to be picked up and cradled. He will put both paws up on your legs seeking affection.

See more Top Dogs of 225.