This outfit is for the days when you are not quite ready to let go of summer, but it’s too cold out to deny that the weather’s changing. Here’s an oxymoron for you … sweater tank. It’s a sweater, but it’s also a tank. This is revolutionary, people! For a forever-summer gal like me, this is the best combination known to man.
To keep the peace (and not get pneumonia), add a light sweater on top for those extra wind chills throughout the day. Skinny jeans are always guaranteed to look top notch with anything. Bells or boyfriend jeans would also be a nice mix up and less expected. Note to self: wear boyfriends next time. Stay mysterious. This pair of skinnies is the best, y’all! The inky wash, the square cut, and overall babe-a-licious vibe make them an easy favorite in my closet. Thank you to Krystal of A Pinch of Lovely for unknowingly convincing me to bite the bullet on these!
Floral print platforms are always a good decision, trust me. It doesn’t even matter what you wear them with or how often you take them for a spin, but what does matter is that they are sassy and awesome. And everyone needs a pair of frivolous shoes in their closet!