
Tie School Graduate

Ties pictured above include: Gray checkered tie, $135, available at Martinez Custom Clothier. martinezcustom.comRobert Talbott diagonal striped and navy-and-red checkered ties, $155 each, available at Harper’s Haberdashery. harpersbr.com

For guys, how to put together the right neck accessories

The tie is often an afterthought. You find the right shirt, you find the right pants, then you worry about a tie that can go with it all. But often, the perfect tie makes the outfit. Forego the loud, flashy, fat ties. It’s all about picking out a pattern that’s subtle but sharp and completes the look rather than stands out against it. Read on for more tie-wearing tips.

TIES 101

• The tip of the tie should touch your belt, not hang lower than it or float high above it.

• With suiting, the width of the tie should be about the same as the width of the lapel. That’s via Manuel Martinez of Martinez Custom Clothier, so you know it is legit.

• There are varying schools of thought, but in general, a tie bar should be fastened just above the fourth button on your shirt. Count down starting from your collar button.

• The tie bar should not be longer than the width of your tie.

• Don’t be afraid to mix patterns. You can wear a diagonal striped or checkered tie with a windowpane or gingham shirt. Just make sure the patterns are subtle enough to not make your date cross-eyed.

• No matter how you tie your tie or whether or not you fuss over a dimple, the knot should not be too wide. Wearing a shirt with a wide-spread collar? Doesn’t matter. You don’t need to fill the space with a knot the size of a fist.

STYLE-TIES-Martinez knit tie
Venanzi knit, $100 tie, available at Martinez Custom Clothier.

• Give the shiny ties a rest for a while and test out some interesting fabrics like wool or knit. They go great with a fitted denim, chambray or light-colored shirt.

• Super skinny ties had their moment, but slim ties are here to stay.

• All that in mind, your body type is a determining factor in the size of your tie as well. Bigger guy? Maybe avoid the skinny ties. On the slender side? Don’t let the tie swallow up you or your shirt.

Raise the bar

Sure, they keep your tie in place and up the classy game of your look, but tie bars and clips can catch the eye just like a great watch. Look for ones that add a little personality to your outfit.

Above from left: Two vintage tie bars from Time Warp Boutique (prices vary), two laser-cut wooden tie clips made by the local designers of ETCH Studio ($24 each), and three vintage tie bars from Aristocracy (prices vary).