Aaron and Jency Hogan are united in art and marriage.
He’s a well-traveled photographer. She’s an actress and filmmaker. Friday at the Shaw Center for the Arts, Aaron’s photos and Jency’s films will be shown together for the first time in the same evening.
A reception for Aaron and his “Wanderlust” exhibit begins at 6 p.m. in The Gallery at Manship. At 8:30 p.m., the Manship Theatre will screen four short films directed by and starring Jency―Madeline’s Oil, With My Soul, The Verses and Last Light.
The photos include images from Iceland, Cuba and Italy. The films are mostly historical dramas based loosely in fact.
The Wanderlust reception is free. Admission to the films, which run 15 minutes each, is $10. Tickets are available at the Manship Theatre box office and manshiptheatre.org. The films can be previewed at jencyghogan.com. The exhibit runs through July 31.
Married since 2011, the Hogans often contribute to each other’s work.
“We work with each other for both of our passions,” Aaron says. “She assists me in my photography. I help her shoot movies.”
Aaron earns a living through portrait and wedding photography. His art photography, on the other hand, takes him throughout the world. In January, he journeyed to Iceland.
“It was not the most fun trip,” he admits. “Most of the time it was overcast. If you’re a photographer and you’re not seeing beautiful light, you want to quit. But we waited it out and got a few days of beautiful light. The best of which was on Diamond Beach. Blue ice washes up on the black sand. We were in awe.”
Her husband’s primary goal for his images, Jency says, is taking viewers’ breath away.
“Either through emotion, light or color,” she says. “I think everything in this show takes your breath away.”
In a first for the Hogans, Aaron recently served as director of photography for Seed of the Free, Jency’s latest film, currently in production.
“We really work well together,” Jency says. “I trust his eye so much that I don’t worry what the shot is going to look like. I know he’s going to make it look awesome.”
Jency’s films, her husband says, “are about romanticism. And she’s obsessed with The Little House on the Prairie. She wishes she lived in that time—but with air conditioning. Anything involving horses, she tries to tie into her movies. She likes long shots, wide angles, landscapes and someone riding across a field on a horse, sun through their hair, wearing a big dress.”
Check out a gallery of Aaron Hogan’s “Wanderlust” photos below. Click the images to enlarge.