Local conference series Assembly Required hosts the “Innovators in Food” conference at Louisiana Culinary Institute, featuring local and national food industry leaders, demonstrations, a vendors fair and, of course, food. assemblyrequiredla.com
Aug. 5
Survey works from local artists at August’s Arts Market next to the Red Stick Farmers Market on Fifth and Main streets. 8 a.m.-noon. artsbr.org
Aug. 10
Learn more about state history at Preserve Louisiana’s monthly lecture series. This month’s presentation, “Finding and Losing History: Lessons Learned from Two Civil Wars,” will be at the Foundation for Historical Louisiana downtown. Admission is free for members and $10 for non-members. 6-8 p.m. preserve-louisiana.org
Photo by Miracle Marcelle
Aug. 12
Support local artists and find handcrafted wares galore at the August Mid City Makers Market at 541 South Eugene St. 5-9 p.m. midcitymakers.market
Aug. 12-13
Find the newest additions to your jewelry collection at Baton Rouge Gem and Mineral Society’s annual Gem and Mineral Show at the Lamar Dixon Expo Center in Gonzales. Admission prices vary. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. brgemandmineral.org
Aug. 22
Learn the art of plant collecting and pressing at the LSU Hilltop Arboretum’s Discover Nature program. Admission is $5 for members and $10 for non-members. 6:30-8 p.m.
Photo courtesy Melissa Parmelee
Aug. 24-25
Fête Rouge The best time of the year—for us foodies, anyway—is finally here. Baton Rouge’s annual food and wine festival is presented by the Baton Rouge Epicurean Society at L’Auberge Casino & Hotel. The Fête Rouge six-course award dinner honoring Tommy Simmons, the 2017 recipient of the Grace “Mama” Marino Lifetime Achievement Award, begins at 6 p.m. Aug 24. It’s followed Aug. 25 by the Food & Wine Fête. Tickets are $65. 7-10 p.m. bresbr.org
Aug. 26
KANSAS Live Experience the music of the ’70s rock band at its performance at the Raising Canes River Center. To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the breakthrough album Leftoverture, the band will perform the record in its entirety. Ticket prices vary. 8 p.m. raisingcanesrivercenter.com
Photo by Kristina Britt
Fall Fashion FestGrab all your tailgating essentials before the first game at Baton Rouge Fashion Council’s event, featuring more than 40 local businesses at Tin Roof Brewing Co. Admission is free. 3-7 p.m. batonrougefashioncouncil.com
Zoo Run Run Race through BREC’s Baton Rouge Zoo at the 12th annual 5k and half-mile kids fun run. Enjoy refreshments and one-on-one animal time after the race. Registration fees are $25 for adults and $12 for children. 6:30-9:30 a.m. brzoo.org
Baton Rouge is burgeoning with local businesses, and newcomers can learn how to grow and network their businesses at the first annual Small Business Social and Market at the Main Library at Goodwood. Admission is free. 2-5 p.m. ebrpl.com
Early August
Photo by Timothy White / Courtesy Jane Mmuckle
See Rock and Roll Hall of Famer James Taylor (right) in person Aug. 3 at the Smoothie King Center, singing old classics and new songs from his latest album, Before This World. Ticket prices vary. 7:30 p.m. Follow the show with Lionel Richie and Mariah Carey at the SKC Aug. 6 and John Mayer Aug. 9. smoothiekingcenter.com
Aug. 5
Head to the best block party in the South at White Linen Night on Julia Street and the Arts District. Admire art from more than 20 galleries, and enjoy food and drinks from 25-plus vendors. Admission is free. 5:30-9:30 p.m. cacno.org/wwln2017
Aug. 12
Grab your friends, anything and everything red and head to the annual Red Dress Run. The run/walk/bar crawl will begin at Crescent Park and go throughout the French Quarter. Gates open at 9 a.m., and the run starts at 11 a.m. nolareddress.com
Aug. 30 – Sept. 4
Attend the largest gay event in New Orleans at the 46th annual Southern Decadence, a weekend-long street party in the French Quarter. Street events are free, but special admission weekend passes can be purchased for $70. southerndecadence.net
Aug. 3-5
Dance and food take on a unique collaboration inStir, a performance from Basin Arts and Runaway Dish featuring work from five choreographers and five chefs at the Acadiana Center for the Arts. Ticket prices vary. 7:30 p.m. acadianacenterforthearts.org
Aug. 12
Explore the studios and galleries of downtown Lafayette at August’s Saturday ArtWalk. Live music and food vendors will also be at the event. Admission is free. 6-9 p.m. downtownlafayette.org
Aug. 17
Boogie with funky New Orleans favorite Flow Tribe accompanied by Brass Mimosa at Jefferson Street Pub. Tickets are $10. 8 p.m. jeffersonstreetpub.com