
Celebrate and empower Baton Rouge women during Women’s Week

A week dedicated to connecting and empowering local women is taking Baton Rouge by storm. Women’s Week 2018 is filled to the brim with classes, lectures, seminars and more aimed at promoting the health and prosperity of women throughout the city.

While Women’s Week 2018 officially started Oct. 10, there are still dozens of engaging events to take part in. In fact, there are far too many events to list here, but you can find the full schedule here.

Some highlights include talks on bridging the gender divide in the tech industry, seminars on workplace sexual harassment, and massage therapy classes.

Women’s Week 2018 was organized by the Women’s Council of Greater Baton Rouge, a local non-profit that partners with individuals, businesses and other non-profits to support women and children, as well as health, education, environment and more.

The events included in Women’s Week 2018 take place at venues throughout the city, so you’ll need to visit its website to find the right events for you. It will wrap up Sunday, Oct. 14.