The O’Brien House, a local organization that works with those suffering from drug or alcohol addiction, will host its 16th annual breakfast fundraiser this Friday at the Crowne Plaza Hotel.
You’ll need to register and choose your sponsorship level beforehand. Each sponsorship level will net you a different set of perks—learn about each level’s benefits here.
This year’s breakfast will also serve as the second year of the O’Brien House’s essay contest, in which local high school students were asked to write about the role addiction has played in their lives. The winners of the contest will read their essay aloud at the breakfast. Read our story on the project from the September issue of 225.
If you’re interested in supporting the O’Brien House at its annual breakfast on Friday, Sept. 21, find registration info here. The event will take place 8-9 a.m. The Crowne Plaza Hotel is at 4728 Constitution Ave.