Get your steps in Saturday
Burn some calories and get your heart pumping in the 4th Annual Redz River Run 5K and 10K Race/Walk this Saturday, March 8, on the Southern University campus.
This event is hosted by the Baton Rouge Sigma Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. It benefits the Baton Rouge AIDS Society, Southern University Lab School, ExxonMobil YMCA, Ainsley’s Angels and The Butterfly Society.
The Redz River Run will kick off at 8 a.m. Registration costs $35 for the 5K and $40 for the 10K. Southern University is at 801 Harding Blvd. The race will start and finish on Swan Avenue at Henry Cobb Street. Find more information here.
Learn about rocks at the swamp Saturday
Venture to BREC’s Bluebonnet Swamp Nature Center for Rockin’ at the Swamp, an exploration of rocks, minerals, gemstones and fossils, this Saturday, March 8.
This event will highlight geology and earth science. Test your skills on the rock climbing wall, learn to identify different rocks and minerals, and make your own take-home identification card. Shop the market to add to your rock collection or find unique gift items.
Rockin’ at the Swamp is from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Registration costs $4 for ages 3-17 and $5 for ages 17 and up. The Bluebonnet Swamp Nature Center is at 10503 N. Oak Hills Parkway. Find more information here.
Learn about science Saturday
Head over to the teen meeting room at the Main Library at Goodwood for Saturday Science this Saturday, March 8.
Kristine DeLong, a professor in the LSU Department of Geography & Anthropology, will lead a talk entitled “Climate Histories and the Anthropocene from Coral Skeletons.”
Saturday Science will be from 1-2 p.m. This event is free and open to the public. The Main Library at Goodwood is at 7711 Goodwood Blvd. Find more information here.
Attend ‘Marchi Gras’ on Sunday
After a weather-related postponement, the Mid City Gras parade has been rescheduled as “Marchi Gras.” It will roll down North Boulevard this Sunday, March 9.
Mid City Gras will continue its tradition of parading in the heart of Mid City, this year with a theme of “Squirrels on Film.”
Mid City Gras is slated to run from 2-4 p.m. This event is free to attend and open to the public. The parade rolls down North Boulevard, beginning at 19th Street and ending at South Foster Drive in front of Baton Rouge Community College. Find more information here.