
Tune in to one of Baton Rouge’s own podcasts

Chances are, you or one of your friends are addicted to podcasts, with a steady queue filling up your Stitcher app. If you’re down for some bite-sized broadcasts made right here at home, check out one of these locally produced podcasts.

West Baton Rouge Museum Podcast: Part of the WBRM’s ongoing Lunchtime Lecture series, featuring talks by visiting artists and experts on art, culture and history, airing monthly. westbatonrougemuseum.org

The Red Shtick: The eponymous podcast of local satire site The Red Shtick, featuring irreverent comedy about trending topics, airing weekly. theredshtick.com

Dorque: Another product of The Red Shtick focusing on all things dorky, from sci-fi to fantasy, airing weekly. theredshtick.com

Bite & Booze: Jay Ducote’s signature show about what’s new, fresh and delicious in Louisiana food and drink, airing weekly. biteandbooze.com

Pawcast: Friends of the Animals’ weekly dose of cuteness, with adoption reports and introductions to their dogs, airing weekly. pawcast.libsyn.com

Bayou Garden: A WRKF radio production that shares the best tips and tricks for gardening in Louisiana’s unique climate. wrkf.org

Four Deep: Local bartenders and cocktail enthusiasts nerd out over alcohol, sampling drinks around town and celebrating cocktail history, airing a couple times a month. fourdeeppodcast.com

This story was originally published in the October issue of 225 Magazine.