Have you ever wondered what it was like to step into a kaleidoscope? The Louisiana Art & Science Museum is giving visitors a chance to experience a world of reflecting colors with its current exhibition, “Iridescence,” and a corresponding live art installation.
When Dr. Nathan Lord, assistant professor in LSU’s Department of Entomology and director of the Louisiana State Arthropod Museum, approached the museum about hosting an exhibition based on his study of iridescence in insects—such as that rainbow-like array of colors you might see in a dragonfly’s wings—LASM curator Lexi Adams knew it would be a perfect fit for the museum.
“As an art and science institution, we’re always looking for that perfect balance between the two, so the idea behind this exhibition seemed exciting,” Adams says. “It’s really a true marriage of art and science in one exhibition.”
The “Iridescence” exhibition, which opened in mid-July, features seven fine artists from around the world. Their art depicts the beauty of the colorful phenomenon through different art mediums. The exhibition also features a separate gallery that shows visitors how iridescence is created scientifically.

This week, LASM will add new artwork to the exhibition by mixed media artist Soo Sunny Park. Park’s piece, “Spectrum Specter,” uses chainlink fencing, glass and light to create an iridescent artwork that casts shadows and colors in the gallery.
“By using materials like fencing and glass, which are typically used to confine a space, Park is able to create an open, flowing and rhythmic sculptural work that has a life of its own and exhibits iridescence,” Adams says.
Park, an artist who lives in lives in Hanover, New Hampshire, works at Dartmouth College as an associate professor of studio art. She will begin installing her art on the second floor of LASM’s Main Gallery on Wednesday, Sept. 15. The public is invited to watch Park work Wednesday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Park’s live installation will be completed on Friday, Sept. 17, and she will be present for a reception Friday evening to celebrate the formal opening of the “Iridescence” exhibition. After a talk from Park, Adams and Lord will guide guests through a gallery tour.
Doors will open for the reception at 5:30 p.m. on Friday, and the reception will take place 6-8 p.m. Tickets for the reception are free if you are an LASM member and will be $15 for all non-members. Wine and light refreshments will be provided to guests, as well.
For more information about Friday’s opening reception, head over to LASM’s website. You can also find out more about the exhibition’s featured artists and examples of iridescence in nature here.